Outstanding Filmmakers Cooperative
in the Middle of Europe

Country of Nichewo

Das Nitschewoland

Writen and directed by Anatoli Skatchkov

65 min, 35 мм, 1:1,66, color, Dolby-stereo, Germany, 2001

Produktion Halbtotal filmproduktion Co-prodaction KINOBRIGADA Supported by Hessische Filmförderung

Festivals: 2001 DOK Leipzig Internationales Leipziger Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm 2001 Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest 2002 International Film Festival – Message to Man, St.Petersburg 2002 International Festival of Documentary Films – Meetings in Siberia, Novosibirsk

The film collage „Das Nitschewoland – Country of Nichewo“ explores the portrayal of Russia in German cinema during the 1920s and 1930s, aiming to deconstruct the myth surrounding it. By employing a deconstructivist approach, the film offers insights into the creation of myths and their impact on collective consciousness. It exclusively utilizes German visuals and texts from the interwar period (1918-1939).

Furthermore, the film seeks to capture the viewer’s attention by focusing on the surface of the screen. It endeavors to reveal the flickering of the projector, the two-dimensionality of the image, the intricate mosaic of its structure, as well as the interplay between the human body and the surrounding landscape, highlighting gaps and textures.

The film’s syntax draws inspiration from various sources. On one hand, it incorporates Russian avant-garde editing techniques, while on the other hand, it incorporates the stylistics of polyscreens, reminiscent of television and the internet. However, what truly sets it apart is the exploration of the pragmatic realm—the relationship between material, author, and viewer. It constructs a new narrative from fragmented connections, stories, and imagery, aiming to expose the inherent contradictions within its own creation.

Importantly, the film strives to engage the viewer with the myth without resorting to manipulative techniques that would alter their consciousness. Instead, it encourages active participation, inviting the viewer to critically reflect upon the myth and their own role in its construction.

„Russia represents the Territory on which the western The Other is realised – all that they dream about but cannot accomplish within their repressive regime. To where the Subconscious of the West is transferred, along with its terror, violation and masochistic ecstasies. From Russia appear agents of the Subconscious, figures of desire.“ From an interview with the philosopher, Boris Grois, during the process of filming.

halbtotal filmproduktion, music ERNEST H. PAPIER production design ALEXANDER NEROSLAVSKY sound mix MATHIAS JAHN and TOM BANKENBERG historical consulting JOCHEN HELLBECK narrator AXEL GRUBE vocals ANNE-LISA NATHAN literary consulting MARTINA MROCHEN producer ANDRZEJ KLAMT writen, directed and edited by ANATOLI SKATCHKOV

With thanks to Hans Beller, Lenny Borger, Verena Flick, Boris Groys, Ingolf Hoppmann, Andrei Korliakov, Irina Koublinskaia, Marina Krutoiarskaia, Eugeni Lungine, Jana Neiman, Ramune Pigagaite, Hans-Joachim Schlegel, Swetlana Sikora, Judith Stafford

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